Explaining: 'Peace'

  “Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be.” —Wayne W. Dyer

What is Inner Peace?

We need to define this term. Inner peace is not a state of passivity, and certainly does not make life dull. On the contrary, it makes you more conscious, alive and happy. It helps you live life more fully.

Here is how Wikipedia defines it:
"Inner peace (or peace of mind) refers to a state of being mentally and spiritually at peace, with enough knowledge and understanding to keep oneself strong in the face of discord or stress. Being 'at peace' is considered by many to be healthy and the opposite of being stressed or anxious."

Inner peace means among other things that there is no overthinking and too much analyzing of every situation. It means no running from one thought to another, constantly ruminating about some past incident, no constant dwelling on hurts and what people said or did. It means no waste of time, energy and attention on unimportant and meaningless thoughts.

Isn't it better than being stressed, anxious with your mind speeding from one thought to another?

The Mind Is Like a Room Crammed with a Lot of Stuff

Suppose your room is crammed with furniture, books, papers, and a lot of junk. There is no free space, and you can hardly move in the room.

After living in this room for some time, you get used to it, no matter how uncomfortable and unpleasant it is. You might dislike it sometimes, but you do nothing to clean or rearrange your room.

This is the state of your mind. It is crammed with thoughts, fears, worries, and endless thinking. There is no room for new, different thoughts. It is in a state of tension and stress, always jumping from one thought to another, like a butterfly hopping from one flower to another.

Imagine that one day you decide to clean your room.

You take everything out of your room, emptying it completely. Now the room seems very big without all the stuff in it.

You clean and wash it, and then put back only the essential stuff. How do you feel now, when you are in your room? Isn't there an exhilarating feeling of joy? There is a lot of space, you can move freely and find everything easily.

Suddenly, you realize that you live in a big room, and this gives you a great feeling of joy and power. You realize that you were living in a limited and crammed environment. Now, there is more air, more space, and you can move and walk freely in the room.

This affects your whole life, because it gives you a feeling of freedom and more control over your life.

Did you lose anything of importance in this process? No, you lost absolutely nothing. You only gained a lot.

It is the same with your mind. When you empty it of unnecessary thoughts, fears and worries, your mind will be free, and you will enjoy inner peace. It would not be crammed with unnecessary thoughts and junk, which limit you and waste your time and energy.

You will then be able to think more clearly and be more focused.

Inner Peace Appears when You Empty Your Mind

Inner peace is like a clean and spacious room, empty of unnecessary, old, or broken stuff.

After you empty your mind of unnecessary and negative thoughts, it will be filled with happiness and light, and therefore, there wouldn't be anything to disturb your moods, behavior and reactions. You will experience inner peace and a sense of freedom.

Do you know realize what is inner peace and how important it is?

When you remove all the unnecessary and useless stuff from your mind you become more alive, because the negative and meaningless thoughts are gone, and you see and experience everything more clearly, like you never did before. It is like taking away a curtain that distorts what you see.

I hope that these words cleared, at least a little, what inner peace is.

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